Thursday 23 August 2012

Information strange, exotic and modern also

Population and the States 

A number of the world's population in 2005 

reached 6,464,750,000 people 

The largest number of the population: in China

 1,315,844,000 people 

Min Population: only in the Vatican 1000 

The largest state in terms of area: Russia

Smaller state in terms of area: Vatican 

Vatican is located in central Italy 

More densely populated in the world: in Monaco

 23 thousand people in one kilometer 

Less densely populated: in Mongolia 1 per person

 per kilometer 

The richest country in the world: the United States

of America 12 trillion GNP 

The poorest country in the world: her Itolekao 

name their gross national product only a million

 and a half 
The richest people in the world: Luxembourg per

 capita income in the year 70 thousand dollars

The poorest people in the world: the people of

 Malawi $ 600 per person per year only 

More language used: the original Chinese language 

1,080,000,000 (s) 

More languages ​​used in the world: the English

 1,900,000,000 people speak

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