Definition of the environment: Environmental scientists have known in our contemporary notions of infectious and in a manner characterized by the specificity of the frame or private entity so .. The environment is the word commonly used in contemporary life and associated significance pattern relationship between them and the concept of a delineated embodied balconies outside where you live admitted that between humans and other organisms .. the mother's womb is a human environment first, and the home environment and the school environment and the neighborhood environment and the country environment and the Earth environment and the entire universe
environment ... and here we have to look at the environment through human activities different, we say agricultural environment or ground, industrial environment, and the aquatic environment, and air environment and the cultural environment and the social environment and so on. equilibrium environmental system Albeialve him king of the heavens and the earth did not take a boy did not have a partner in King and create everything in due proportions great truth of God. ecosystem unit natural result from the interaction of components live another is alive and environmental regulations are structures in the larger system is ((atmospheric)) iosphere It possesses all the characteristics of systems. This system or environmental life, a large system size and complexity varied components and incorporates citizen and multiple environments and there citizen of fresh water (lakes, rivers and floods) and citizen salted water (seas and oceans) and there citizen land (desert, forest, pole.) and every home of the citizen has its own characteristics Deals, any special environmental conditions suit organisms that Tstotna. And the biosphere in reality consists of smaller units known ecosystems Ecosystems and Ecosystem is the only natural balanced result from the interaction of composed with another inanimate things. The environmental (as previously defined - or middle humanitarian as a vital area, the system includes all living organisms and air, water and soil, which assesses the human meaning of this that life revolves in the environment its naturally, RFID forms and manifestations of life in a manner weighted without causing an imbalance spend by a factor On the other side .. environmental pollution: environmental pollution term means all Alpartyaq that the cause of human activity in the damage to the natural environment. witnessing most people pollution environmental image Muttrah Exposed waste or in the form of black smoke emitted from a factory., but pollution may be perspective, it is comfort or taste. and some types of pollution may not cause the fact the pollution of land and air and water, but enough to weaken the joy of life when people and other organisms. Valdgej emitted from traffic and machinery, for example, can be considered a form of pollution. environmental pollution a the most serious problems on the human, and the other forms of life-legged currently Kkkbna. At affordable air bad pollution that causes harm to crops, and that carries with it life-threatening diseases. has led some air pollutants from the atmosphere's capacity to dissect radiation sun's ultraviolet , which involve harm. believed by many scholars to this radiation, and other air pollutants, has taken a difference to the climates of the world. threaten water contaminants and education the ability of farmers to produce food necessary to feed the world's population, also threatens marine pollutants lot of marine organisms . types of environmental pollution include types of environmental pollution on air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and pollution caused by solid waste and hazardous waste and noise pollution. first: air pollution. means mixing air to specific articles, such as fuel and exhaust smoke. and can air pollution harming healthy plants and animals, destruction of buildings and other structures. and World Health Organization estimates that nearly a fifth of the world's population are exposed to dangerous levels of air pollutants. consists atmosphere, in its natural state, of nitrogen, oxygen and small amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases and Alhbaúaat (fine particles of materials liquid or solid). A number of natural processes to maintain a balance between the components of the atmosphere. example, consume plants carbon dioxide and release oxygen, the animals turn consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide cycle through breathing. and emit gases and Alhbaúaat to the atmosphere of by forest fires and volcanoes, where washed or scattered rain and wind. happen air pollution when it launches factories and vehicles large amounts of gases and Alhbaúaat in the air, are unable with natural processes for maintaining the balance of the atmosphere. Secondly: Water pollution is the mixing of water with sewage or chemicals toxic or metals or oils or any other materials. and affordable this pollution that affects surface water, such as rivers, lakes and oceans, and that could affect surface water, such as rivers, lakes and oceans, it can also affect the water in the ground, known groundwater., and can also cause harm to many species of plants and animals. According to the World Health Organization, die nearly five million people a year, because Tgrahm water polluted. At the water system health, working cycle of natural processes, to transform waste materials useful or harmful and the cycle begins when used organisms known bacteria aerobic dissolved oxygen in the water, to digest the waste. This process produces nitrates and phosphates and other nutrients (chemical elements needed organisms in growth). absorb algae and aquatic plants green these nutrients, and eat animals microscopic called plankton Animal algae, and eat fish that plankton. The fish was eaten by larger fish, including birds, or other animals. produces about these animals remnants physical, and then eventually die. analyzes bacteria these dead animals, and animal waste, and then re-cycle the ball again. happen water pollution when cast people quantities of waste in the water system is, so as to reach the degree not be with her in the expanded operations purification natural subsidiary that they could function properly. Thirdly: soil contamination. was destruction, which affects soil layer thin health producing, where it grows most of our food. Were it not for the soil fertile been able farmers produce enough food to support the world's population. rely healthy soil bacteria and fungi and small animals to analyze the waste that they
contain, and the production of nutrients. helping these nutrients in plant growth.
may limit fertilizers and pesticides from the ability of organisms in the soil on waste treatment. Accordingly, the able farmers who overindulge in the use of fertilizers and pesticides that work on the destruction of soil productivity. A number of human activities other that can destroy the soil. could lead irrigation soil in dry areas, with a drainage system is bad , to leave the water stagnant in the fields. If evaporation this stagnant water it will succeed sediment salt from behind making the soil too salty, which affects the growth of crops. and lead mining operations and smelting to contaminate soil, heavy metal toxic. also the view of many scientists that the possibility of acid rain that reduces the fertility of the soil. Fourth: noise pollution. does not cause noise dirty air, water or land, but unable to disturb the life and weaken the hearing in humans and other animals produced from car engines, aircraft trains, industrial machinery, butcher grass, cleaning equipment , mixers food radio, cassette and celebrations live. Henaak other types of
environmental pollution: sewage: contain. containing untreated sewage bacteria carriers of diseases, causing diseases such as cholera and dysentery when they enter drinking water. contain treated water on the nitrate and phosphate, which stimulates the growth of algae in water systems. consume bacteria that in water algae excess, also consume oxygen, leading to the death of aquatic life. solid waste include paper products, plastic, and bottles and cans, food waste and garden, and remnants of industry, agriculture and mining operations. may contain Mtarah waste exposed and drilled backfill the toxins (poisons) that leaks into the soil and water systems. produces burning solid waste unattended smoke and air pollutants other, may be called heavy metals toxic to the environment. oil spills and water pollution damage beaches. can oil to cover the bodies of fish, birds and marine mammals, causing killed many of them. pesticides. might ruin could destroy pesticides soil productivity. was flowing well into the groundwater or water systems other, and poisoning aquatic life, and can pesticide spraying to travel long distances when carried by wind, and can penetrate the food chain as well as causing harm to people and Wildlife. industrial waste can contain hazardous chemicals, or particles, called Alhbaúaat, such as lead and mercury. has caused industrial chemicals, when released into the air, respiratory problems. has accumulate Alkiemiaúaat toxic and heavy metals inside the tissues of animals, and cause harm to many of organisms along the food chain. smoke fuel and smog. smoke contains fuel to carbon dioxide, a gas in trapping heat in the atmosphere, may cause heating of the world. containing exhaust fumes also nitrogen oxides, which react with rays the sun and be acid rain. leads acid rain to the death of fish populations, and the destruction of buildings, and sabotage forests and soils, and in addition to that, interacts smoke fuel with sunlight component mixture gaseous haze called smog, which Ahj and people respiratory. chlorofluorocarbons carbonate. chemical compounds used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and in a position to destroy protective ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, which hears UV access to brighten the earth. could cause excessive exposure to this radiation skin cancer and destroy plant life. indoor air pollution include smoke and fumes hazardous emissions from building materials, which can be that cause health problems for people. Fgaz radon emitted from rocks radioactive placed under buildings, can cause lung cancer if inhaled in large quantities. fertilizers and animal manure. could sneak into water systems, and provide nutrients that stimulate the growth of algae overload. pollution control Government activity: Governments - national and local in various parts of the world to get rid of the pollution that causes damage to our land from land, air and water addition efforts have been made by several international protection of land resources. has enacted many local governments laws that help to purify the environment. scientific efforts : pay attention broad environmental scientists and the and Alnengan to search for technical solutions to this issue. Some research is trying to find ways to get rid of pollution or hatched, and others designed to prevent. institutions and factories. discovered many companies that reduce pollution is needed from a business perspective has found some that reduce pollution improves image among the masses as it saves money. developed other products or means not dangerous to the environment, in order to gain satisfaction of consumers, also developed some other systems to combat pollution in the belief that the laws Strgmanm to do so, sooner or later . and challenge some companies of pollution because the managers of these companies chose to do so. Agriculture: develop scientists and farmers ways to develop food requires little fertilizer and pesticides. and used a lot of growers crop rotations, any rotation of crops from year to year, to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers . environmental organizations: help in the fight against pollution by trying to influence lawmakers and the election of political leaders who are paying attention to environment. and some groups are raising money to buy land and protect it from exploitation. considering other groups effects of pollution on the environment, and the development of systems for the management and prevention of pollution, and use the findings findings to convince governments and industries to work on pollution prevention or reduction. The environmental organizations also publishes magazines and other materials to convince people the need to prevent pollution. Jhor individuals: The energy conservation of the most important ways in which the individual can be followed to reduce pollution. Keeping energy reduces air pollution caused by power plants. could lead to lack of demand on oil and coal to reduce oil spills, and damage sum of the areas containing coal to reduce oil spills, and damage sum of the areas containing coal. and minimize driving is also One of the best ways to save energy and avoid pollution produced for air. and able people also buy products that do not pose a threat to the environment. Fbamkan families, for example, to limit pollution by reducing the use of detergents toxic, and proper disposal of these products. If consumers refrained from buying harmful products manufacturers will depend on production
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